Leave some feedback!

I’m sure there are lots of users just refreshing the page daily and checking for new updates!

So I have a question for you: Are there any specific files you would like done first? Any other suggestions or feedback?

I always enjoy reading comments!

16 thoughts on “Leave some feedback!”

  1. File 10 would make sense, since it introduces Bamboo Sleep.
    With that, file 00 is actually useful

    1. True, I’ve almost reached C1E10! I’m already working on C1E8, that is probably the one that will require the most editing of them all, whereas C1E9 will probably be easy.

    2. Links are often bad – pointing to porn sites, and not the files. Files are not available for download. Text looks interesting but audio doesn’t seem to work.

  2. Great work. Personally… Im not really very good at hypnosis, to me these are kinda like porn mp3s. In that kind of context, I think the takeover, the addiction and the forget triggers are pretty hot. The dress up portions do put me off though.

    1. In that case I’d practice meditation and thinking of nothing for a while to improve at hypnosis.
      I totally agree with the dress up portions, but you really need them! Well you could also create some other kind of trigger / link / switch between Bamboo not Bamboo, but that would be way more effort than just using the existing clothes trigger. That’s why I’ve removed most of the clothing suggestions though, you just need a few things.

      Thanks for commenting 🙂

  3. It’s awesome that you are going to allow us all to safely become a “Bamboo”.
    I’m just so glad that the personality take-over will not be happening when not dressed sexy!

    Hi TR!
    I’m a sissy. Since my late teens I’ve been experimenting with chastity and cross-dressing.
    I am one of those who never dared to go through with Bambi training because I’m terrified it will take over in “normal” life. I do want to become the alternative personality at times though. I’m just scared witless by accounts of people where the Bambi personality took control unexpectedly, often with disastrous results.
    About the training, I’d love that listening would be addictive still and that the training would still be made to be forgotten. Somehow I think it would keep the training more effective.

    From what I understand your normal personality might not even be aware of what happens when Bambi takes over, and that is something I think is really good.

    I have another dumb question though. It’ll be difficult for the Bamboo to remove her uniform and the uniform is what keeps her in control of your body. How/when/why will your original personality ever be back in control? I’m sure Bamboo won’t like giving up being in control! Will she just eventually fall asleep at night, then wake up in her uniform and go on because she’s still in uniform? I’m sure she’d like a shower in the morning, so that at least implies undressing 😉 Would it be possible to negotiate with her beforehand on duration or something? It’d be bad for her too if I couldn’t go to work or something!

    I hope you’ll continue this safer training series!

    1. Hey E!
      Thanks for the comment 🙂
      Of course the addictive element makes the training more effective – it also makes it much harder to stop though. Think of it like adding steroids and meth to it. I mean if someone wanted to completely a bamboo he could still listen to the unedited ones. I most likely will keep removing the addictive parts. However, if you want the edited files but still the addiction use the unedited C1E10 – this does most of the addiction.

      Yes, the normal personality just blacks out (In the scripts it gets blindfolded and locked away) and comes back afterwards.

      I honestly have no idea how Bamboo will react to your wishes. Keep in mind that the files are just some sort of manual for your mind to follow, which then creates its own personality. How this personality will behave is unknown and differs from person to person.

  4. Thank you so much for doing this!
    The original bamboo files have always held a morbid fascination in my head.
    Do you have an ETA on C1E10? As soon as that is done I would love to start!

    1. Not really, as I’m quite busy in real life and this is the most import file – I want to do it properly.
      I’d say perhaps 1 to 2 weeks?

      1. Thanks for getting back to me!
        Totally understand real life pressures. Just incredibly grateful you are even doing this. Can’t wait for it to be released

  5. Also a thank you for everyone working on these files. Was going to ask about C1E10 being finished but I see it also has some addiction that needs to be edited. I did notice that I only had a partial download of C1E2 which I hadn’t noticed at first (only 10:30 min of 28min file) and I can’t seem to download it all. Also having problems with C1E8. Didn’t know if anyone else had this problem. Thanks again.

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